Babilyoon Almostaqbal CO. (BAAC)


iconWhat we do

Develop comprehensive solutions for each project


With us, you can transport all the goods, machinery, and equipment you want smoothly, smoothly, safely, at the appropriate times...


Our activity is on general contracting (construction, repair, demolition and restoration).


Financial and professional ability in all heavy and light supply works and for all economic establishments.


The objective of the company is to contribute to the growth and development of (import and export) sectors of all ...


Babilyoon Almostaqbal Company has an integrated program for the modern service and automatic cleaning service...

Safety and health plan:

Safety starts with you first

The company is responsible for maintaining safety conditions to avoid risks that harm the health and safety of its staff and other people, and conducting training to ensure compliance and application of safety conditions. The health and safety plan obliges the company’s staff to apply all applicable controls to provide safety requirements towards the beneficiary.

Responsibilities and safety requirements:

The company allocates modern health and safety programs for each project, where the safety engineer is responsible for accurately deciding these issues regarding the safety plan that must be prepared, and he is responsible for the safety of all employees working in the company and that this responsibility will be in their interest that the engineer of the health and safety plan will inform every official or Supervisor to define his responsibilities across line safety.

A – Site Engineer Responsibilities:
• Ensure that workers understand safety procedures.
• Giving safety instructions to different groups of workers and each group according to its type of work.
• Write down accident reports when it occurs.


B – Supervisor Responsibilities:
• Ensure that workers and staff are committed to wearing personal protective equipment
• Direct observation of workers in confined areas
• To inform the site engineer of the accident immediately upon its occurrence

The company’s safety engineer will actively participate in the planning activities in consultation with the work staff prior to approving the work safety plan, especially involving them in the analysis of work hazards.